jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

Now that this first term is comming to an end, I'd like to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009


What is electricity?

Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. Electricity is energy. In the same way you eat food to keep you going, machines and gadgets eat electricity to keep them going.

Static Electricity

Static electricity often happens when you rub things together. If you rub a balloon against your jumper 20 or 30 times, you'll find the balloon sticks to you. This happens because rubbing the balloon gives it an electric charge. The charge makes it stick to your jumper like a magnet, because your jumper gains an opposite electric charge. So your jumper and the balloon attract one another like the opposite ends of two magnets.
Serch in the Internet and try to answer the following questions before the friday 4th of november.
What did Thomas Edison invent?
What did Benjamin Franklin invent?

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

How was Natural Gas Formed?

Most of you posted a correct answer to this question. Anyway, here you've got the answer I was looking for.

How to make your own electric engine.

These are the materials you need:
One screw, one battery cell, a few inches of copper wire, and a magnet.

1. Set the screw on the magnet, bend the wire.

2. Press and hold the top end of the wire to the top end of the battery, making an electrical connection from the top battery end to the wire.
3. Lightly touch the free end of the wire to the side of the magnet. The magnet and screw start to spin immediately. We can get ours up to 10,000 RPM in about fifteen seconds.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Normas para añadir comentarios en el Blog.

A la hora de añadir un comentario a alguna de las entradas del blog, debéis hacerlo desde una cuenta de correo que no esté asociada a ningún otro blog o página web. Aquellos comentarios que lleven asociados links a otros blogs o páginas web, serán bloqueados.

Asimismo recordad que es conveniente que siempre que accedáis a internet lo hagáis bajo la supervisión de un adulto, incluso a la hora de consultar nuestro blog de Science.

Just a little help to prepare your Science Test.

The Endocrine System.
The endocrine system manages and coordinates important functions like growth and reproduction. It is made up of glands which produce hormones.

Endocrine Glands.
Thyroid gland: this gland produces hormones like thyroxid which lets our body absorb nutrients.
Pancreas: this gland produces insulin which regulates the amount of sugar in blood.
• Ovaries and Testes: thes glands produce sex hormones.
Pituitary gland: this gland coordinates other endocrine glands.

Energy produces all the changes around us.

Sources of Energy:
They enable machines to do things. There are two types of sources of energy:
• Renewable sources of energy like wind or sunlight.
• Non-renewable sources of energy like oil, coal or natural gas.

Types of energy:
Mechanical energy: energy of things in motion
Chemical energy: energy produced by fossil fuels.
Thermal energy: energy released as heat.
Electrical energy: energy used by electrical devises.
Nuclear energy: energy from uranium of plutonium.
Light energy: energy from the light.

Transformation of energy:
• Electrical into mechanical: fan
• Electrical into light: bulb
• Electrica into thermal: heater.
• Nuclear into electrical: nuclear plant.

Light is a form of energy. It moves at 300000 Km per second. It moves in a straight way.

Objects block light in different ways:
Opaque objects: the absorb or reflect light.
Traslucent objects: they allow some light to pass through.
Transparent objects: the allow light to pass through.

Reflection of light:
When light hits and opaque object, it is reflected and changes direction.

Let's review what energy is!

As you all may know, energy produces all the changes around us, so if a body has energy, it can produce changes.
There are different types of sources of energy: renewable sources of energy, and non-renewable sources of energy.

Renewable sources of energy:

  • The Sun.
  • Wind .
  • Water in motion.
  • The Earth.

Non-renewable sources of energy:

  • Fossil fuels like Natural Gas, Oil and Coal.
  • Nuclear Energy.

Search the web!

In the following link you'll learn more about energy: http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/kids/energy.cfm?page=about_home-basics

In the following link, you'll learn more about each of the different sources of energy: http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/kids/energy.cfm?page=2

Now that you know almost everything about energy and the sources of energy, try to answer this question: How was gas formed?

Welcome to our Blog!!!

Welcome to our blog!

This blog will help you to improve your English and Science knowledge. In the blog we will post different links in wich you will find new activities and amazing experiments. We will also post some open questions in which we will test how well you dominate the main concepts form each lesson.

Hope we all will learn a lot!