What is electricity?
Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. Electricity is energy. In the same way you eat food to keep you going, machines and gadgets eat electricity to keep them going.
Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. Electricity is energy. In the same way you eat food to keep you going, machines and gadgets eat electricity to keep them going.
Static Electricity
Static electricity often happens when you rub things together. If you rub a balloon against your jumper 20 or 30 times, you'll find the balloon sticks to you. This happens because rubbing the balloon gives it an electric charge. The charge makes it stick to your jumper like a magnet, because your jumper gains an opposite electric charge. So your jumper and the balloon attract one another like the opposite ends of two magnets.

Serch in the Internet and try to answer the following questions before the friday 4th of november.
What did Thomas Edison invent?
What did Benjamin Franklin invent?
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